Our committees lay the groundwork for research on emerging industries, develop methods and apply best practices to positively impact job growth, and discuss strategies for business friendly policies throughout our city.
We serve the city through our free business assistance and attraction programs, economic research and analysis, trade and investment assistance, and policy leadership. We look ahead to support emerging growth and innovation industries that will create the jobs of tomorrow and give critical support to the key industry clusters driving Brighton.
Your personal involvement and financial support as a member will play a crucial role in crafting and carrying out a wide variety of programs and initiatives designed by the EDC to ensure the continued growth and success of Brighton
By expanding the business base and increasing the number of well-paying jobs, a successful Brighton EDC will grow the size and purchasing power of the local market.
Brighton EDC is on the front-line of regional business development and can share – via our monthly updates, Investor Briefings, emails, etc. – early information about developing economic trends and businesses interested in moving to our region.
With extensive knowledge of state and other incentives, the Brighton EDC team can help you find savings and rebates to directly bolster your bottom-line profits.
Enhance Your Business Conditions – Much of the Brighton EDC’s work focuses on improving general business conditions (tax laws, workforce quality, infrastructure, etc.)
Enjoy a Voice – With over 170 of the top business, non-profit and government leaders from across the region as Board members and investors, Brighton EDC provides an excellent forum within which “to be heard” about critical issues and concerns.
Obtain Access – Brighton EDC has close official relationships with Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade, Metro Denver EDC, and major federal and state elected officials that serve Brighton. We can provide our investors access to key government agencies.
Receive Critical Assistance – Brighton EDC can provide specific assistance to your company to help resolve issues and promote growth (e.g., permitting issues).
Benefit from Referrals – Via our “Investor Referral Program,” Brighton EDC introduces business development leads to investors who may be able to provide services.
Increase Employee Retention – With a number of committees and projects, Brighton EDC also provides a meaningful way for your employees to become involved in economic development and personally invested in the community.
Provide Community Support – Your investment in Brighton EDC is an investment in the future of your community.